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Methods for surveying near-surface subsoils

This group of methods is based on the phenomenon of invasion of hydrocarbons from the deposit to the surface over geological time, the so-called "breathing of deposit". Invading upward, hydrocarbons accumulate in near-surface sediments with sorption properties, in snow, in plants, and concurrently change some properties of rocks. Samples taken according to a pre-planned grid are analyzed in the laboratory for the content of hydrocarbon components in them, their redox potential (Eh), potential of hydrogen ion (pH), magnetic susceptibility, polarization capacity, and the concentration of specific trace elements are measured.
Schematic model of the deposit and near-surface anomalies
An example of a redox potential distribution map (Western Siberia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous region)
Surface area of Paleozoic deposits and distribution of benzene and toluene concentrations in shallow soils (Western Siberia, Tomsk region)
Map of the integral gamma activity of rock samples (Western Siberia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous region)
Graphic charts of hydrocarbon concentrations and the resistivity cross-section (Zabaikalsky Krai)
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Subsoils surveying